#33 Experience Of A Rap Rock

Profession: Rap Rock

Experience: 5 years

Location: New York City, USA


My Personal Experience: 

As a Rap Rock artist, I have always been drawn to the fusion of hip-hop and rock music. This unique genre combines the energy and aggression of rock with the rhythmic flow and storytelling of hip-hop. I have been pursuing this genre for the past 5 years and it has been an exciting journey so far.


The Hard part I feel about this profession as per my experience till now is: 

One of the biggest challenges of being a Rap Rock artist is finding the right balance between the two genres. It can be difficult to create a sound that is both authentic to hip-hop and rock while still being accessible to a mainstream audience. Additionally, Rap Rock is not as widely recognized as other genres, which can make it challenging to gain visibility and success.
Things one might find interesting or feel “happy” about this profession are: 

As a Rap Rock artist, I love the sense of freedom and creativity that comes with blending two distinct genres. It allows me to experiment with different sounds and styles, and to express myself in ways that might not be possible in a more traditional genre. I also appreciate the sense of community among Rap Rock artists and fans, who are passionate about the fusion of hip-hop and rock music.


Pros I feel about this profession are :

One of the biggest pros of being a Rap Rock artist is the ability to reach a diverse audience. The combination of hip-hop and rock music appeals to fans of both genres, as well as those who are interested in hearing something new and different. Additionally, Rap Rock provides a platform for exploring complex social and political issues through music and lyrics.


Cons you feel about this profession are :

One of the biggest cons of being a Rap Rock artist is the challenge of gaining mainstream recognition and financial success. Since Rap Rock is not as widely recognized as other genres, it can be difficult to break into the mainstream music industry. Additionally, there is a risk of being pigeonholed as a “niche” artist, rather than being recognized for one’s talent and creativity.


What are your suggestions for those who would like to make a career in this profession?

For those who are interested in pursuing a career in Rap Rock, my advice would be to stay true to the genre’s unique sound while also pushing the boundaries and experimenting with different elements. Building a strong social media presence and collaborating with other artists can help to expand your reach and build a dedicated fan base. Above all, it’s important to stay authentic and true to your own voice, and to use your music as a platform for exploring important social and political issues. With hard work and dedication, it’s possible to make a successful career as a Rap Rock artist.



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