#133 Experience Of a Occupational Therapist From UK

Profession: Occupational Therapist

Experience: 10 years

Location: London, United Kingdom


My Personal Experience: 

Becoming an occupational therapist was a calling that I could not ignore. I was deeply interested in understanding human behavior and helping others from a young age. After completing my formal education in occupational therapy, I began my journey as a practitioner ten years ago.

My initial years were filled with learning and adapting to the dynamic nature of the profession. Working closely with experienced therapists and mentors helped shape my approach to patient care. Early on, I discovered my passion for pediatric occupational therapy and decided to specialize in this area.

Throughout my career, I have witnessed the growth of the occupational therapy field, especially during occupational therapy month, which serves as a reminder of our collective impact. I’ve had the opportunity to work with diverse patients, each with unique challenges and triumphs.

Over the years, I have seen the importance of patience, empathy, and dedication in this profession. Every day, I feel a sense of fulfillment, knowing that I am positively impacting the lives of those I serve.


The Hard part I feel about this profession as per my experience till now:

Being an occupational therapist is both rewarding and challenging. One of the most significant challenges I’ve faced in this profession is the constant struggle to balance the ever-increasing workload and provide quality patient care. As the demand for occupational therapy services rises, I continuously juggle multiple cases, making it difficult to dedicate ample time to each patient.

Additionally, working as an occupational therapist in a bustling city like London has unique challenges. The demand for occupational therapy near me has surged, leading to fierce competition among practitioners. Standing out and building a reputation in such a competitive landscape can be daunting, especially for newcomers.

Another aspect I find challenging is the emotional toll this profession can take. Witnessing patients struggling with their conditions and seeing the impact on their families can be emotionally draining. As professionals, we strive to make a positive difference, but we also have to learn to cope with the emotional weight of the job.


Things I find interesting or feel “happy” about this profession are:

Despite the challenges, being an occupational therapist is an incredibly fulfilling profession. One of the most exciting aspects is witnessing the progress and transformation in my patients’ lives. Helping individuals regain their independence and achieve their goals is immensely gratifying.

As an occupational therapist, I have the privilege of working with a diverse range of people, from children to the elderly. Engaging with individuals from different backgrounds and age groups enriches my own understanding of human experiences and perspectives. It’s amazing how every day in this profession brings new learning opportunities.

Moreover, pediatric occupational therapy holds a special place in my heart. Working with children and witnessing their resilience and adaptability never fails to bring joy to my heart. The small victories they achieve throughout their therapy journey are truly heartwarming.


Pros And Cons I feel about this profession:


  • Impactful Work: I can make a meaningful difference in people’s lives as an occupational therapist. Helping individuals overcome challenges and regain independence is a rewarding experience.
  • Versatility: Occupational therapy is a versatile profession, offering various practice settings such as hospitals, schools, rehabilitation centers, and private clinics. This diversity allows me to explore different areas of interest within the field.
  • Continual Learning: With new research and advancements emerging, occupational therapy keeps me intellectually stimulated. I get to apply evidence-based practices and integrate creativity into my treatment plans.


  • Emotional Toll: Working closely with patients and witnessing their struggles can be emotionally taxing. It is essential to practice self-care and seek support when needed.
  • Administrative Burden: Alongside patient care, occupational therapists often have administrative responsibilities. Striking a balance between paperwork and patient interactions can be challenging.
  • Limited Resources: In specific settings, access to resources and technology may be limited, impacting the quality and scope of therapy provided.


My suggestions for newcomers in this profession:

For aspiring occupational therapists entering the field, I would like to offer some advice based on my experience:

  • Embrace Continuous Learning: Stay updated with the latest research, advancements, and best practices in occupational therapy. Attend workshops, and conferences, and seek mentorship to grow as a therapist.
  • Build a Strong Support Network: Surround yourself with supportive colleagues and mentors who can guide you through challenges and share their experiences.
  • Practice Self-Care: Caring for others can be demanding, so prioritize self-care to prevent burnout. Engage in activities that rejuvenate your mind and body.
  • Develop Effective Communication Skills: As an occupational therapist, effective communication is crucial in understanding patients’ needs and collaborating with other healthcare professionals.
  • Celebrate Small Victories: Every patient’s progress, no matter how small, is worth celebrating. Acknowledge and appreciate the impact you make in their lives.


Being an occupational therapist has been a growth, learning, and compassion journey. Despite the challenges, the profession continues to be a source of inspiration and fulfillment. From helping individuals regain independence to witnessing the resilience of children, occupational therapy is a rewarding path to follow.

To aspiring occupational therapists entering this profession, I would advise embracing every opportunity to learn and grow. Stay passionate about making a difference in people’s lives and remember that the impact you create is invaluable, even in the face of challenges.

Reflecting on my experience, I am grateful for the opportunity to be an occupational therapist and contribute positively to society. It is a profession that allows me to touch lives, and I am forever thankful for that.



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