#58 Experience Of a Human Resources Manager From India

Profession: Human Resources Manager

Experience: 7 years

Location: India, Mumbai


My Personal Experience: 

My journey as a Human Resources Manager began unexpectedly. After completing my studies in psychology, I initially aspired to work in the field of psychology. However, circumstances led me to explore different avenues, and I found myself working for various organizations, gaining experience in writing and storytelling.

During my career, I interned with a renowned HR publication, where I discovered my passion for the human resources field. The dynamic nature of HR fascinated me, and I decided to pursue it further. I faced challenges along the way, including stereotypes and biases about the role of a mother in the workplace. However, I remained determined to prove them wrong.


The Hard part I feel about this profession as per my experience till now:

Being a Human Resources Manager is both challenging and rewarding. One of the toughest aspects of this profession is dealing with employee conflicts and disputes. It requires careful mediation and effective communication skills to resolve issues and maintain a harmonious work environment. Additionally, staying up-to-date with the ever-changing labor laws and regulations can be overwhelming at times. Ensuring compliance and implementing necessary changes can be a daunting task.

Another challenge is managing employee performance and conducting performance evaluations. Balancing the expectations of the management and the employees, providing constructive feedback, and identifying areas for improvement can be complex. It requires a fair and unbiased approach to encourage employee growth and development.


Things I find interesting or feel “happy” about this profession are:

As a Human Resources Manager, I have the opportunity to make a positive impact on employees’ lives. I find it rewarding to create and implement policies and programs that promote employee well-being, work-life balance, and career advancement. It is fulfilling to witness the growth and success of employees who have benefitted from these initiatives.

Moreover, I enjoy being part of the recruitment process and finding the right talent for the organization. Interviewing candidates, assessing their skills and qualifications, and selecting individuals who align with the company’s values and goals are aspects that keep me engaged and motivated.


Pros And Cons which I feel about this profession:


  • Variety: Human Resources Management involves working with people from diverse backgrounds and skill sets, providing a dynamic and enriching work environment.
  • Impact: The ability to shape company culture, promote employee engagement, and contribute to organizational success is highly satisfying.
  • Continuous Learning: Human resources is a field that constantly evolves, offering opportunities for professional growth and development.
  • Networking: Building connections and collaborating with professionals from different departments and industries enhances both personal and professional growth.


  • Handling Conflict: Dealing with employee disputes and conflicts can be emotionally challenging and requires effective communication and conflict resolution skills.
  • Compliance Complexity: Staying updated with labor laws, regulations, and compliance requirements can be time-consuming and demanding.
  • Employee Turnover: Dealing with employee turnover and its impact on the organization’s performance can be a source of stress and additional workload.
  • Balancing Priorities: Human Resources Managers often juggle multiple responsibilities and must prioritize tasks effectively to meet deadlines and expectations.


My suggestions for newcomers in this profession:

  • Gain Knowledge: Invest time in learning and understanding labor laws, regulations, and industry best practices to excel in your role.


  • Develop Communication Skills: Effective communication is crucial in building relationships, resolving conflicts, and conveying information clearly.


  • Embrace Continuous Learning: Stay updated with the latest trends, technologies, and advancements in the field of human resources to enhance your expertise.


  • Build a Network: Network with professionals in the industry, attend conferences, and join HR associations to expand your knowledge and connect with like-minded individuals.


  • Be Empathetic: Developing empathy and understanding the needs and concerns of employees will help you create a positive and supportive work environment.


In conclusion, being a Human Resources Manager requires resilience, effective communication skills, and the ability to adapt to a dynamic work environment. Despite the challenges, the profession offers rewarding experiences, opportunities for personal and professional growth, and the ability to make a positive impact on employees’ lives. If you are passionate about people and possess the necessary skills, a career in human resources can be fulfilling and gratifying.

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