#175 Experience of an IT Project Manager in France

Profession: IT Project Manager

Experience: 8 years

Location: France, Paris


My Personal Experience: 

Growing up, I was always intrigued by technology and its ever-evolving role in shaping our lives. Little did I know that this curiosity would lead me to a fulfilling career as an IT Project Manager. After completing my computer science degree, I took my first step into the professional world as a junior developer. Through the years, I embraced various roles, from programmer to analyst, each experience guiding me toward my current role as an IT Project Manager. The journey has been dynamic, demanding, and incredibly rewarding.


The Hard part I feel about this profession as per my experience till now:

While the title “IT Project Manager” sounds impressive, the reality is that this role comes with its set of challenges. One of the significant challenges I face is bridging the gap between technical jargon and plain language. Communicating complex technical details to stakeholders who might not have a technical background requires finesse and patience. Furthermore, managing tight schedules and ever-changing project requirements can feel like a high-wire act, especially when balancing the demands of clients, team members, and upper management. Additionally, there’s constant pressure to stay updated with the latest trends and innovations in the fast-paced tech landscape.

However, the most challenging aspect, in my opinion, is dealing with unforeseen issues that can arise during project execution. No matter how meticulously you plan, there’s always the possibility of encountering roadblocks that demand immediate attention and creative problem-solving. Overcoming these hurdles while keeping the team motivated and the project on track is undoubtedly a test of both skills and patience.


Things I find interesting or feel “happy” about this profession are:

Despite the challenges, being an IT Project Manager is an exciting journey filled with moments of genuine satisfaction. One of the most rewarding aspects is witnessing a project come to life from concept to execution. The sense of accomplishment when a complex project is successfully delivered, meeting or exceeding client expectations, is truly gratifying. Moreover, the nature of the job exposes me to a diverse range of industries and projects, keeping things fresh and intellectually stimulating.

In the realm of technology, innovation is constant. Being on the forefront of technological advancements and leading a team that turns innovative ideas into tangible solutions is invigorating. Additionally, collaborating with a group of talented individuals, each bringing their unique skills to the table, fosters a sense of camaraderie that can’t be matched.


Pros And Cons I feel about this profession:


  • Variety: No two projects are the same. This keeps the job interesting and allows for continuous learning.
  • Leadership: Guiding a team toward a shared goal is incredibly fulfilling, and seeing team members grow and excel is a remarkable experience.
  • Problem-Solving: The constant need to address challenges hones problem-solving skills and fosters adaptability.
  • Career Growth: The experience gained as an IT Project Manager serves as a solid foundation for moving up the career ladder.
  • Influence: Contributing to technological advancements that can have a significant impact on society is a powerful motivator.


  • Pressure: The responsibility of ensuring project success and meeting deadlines can be overwhelming at times.
  • Uncertainty: The tech landscape evolves rapidly, making it challenging to predict all potential obstacles or opportunities.
  • Communication Hurdles: Explaining technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders requires patience and clear communication skills.
  • Conflict Management: Addressing disagreements within the team or between team members and clients can be emotionally draining.
  • Balancing Act: Juggling multiple tasks and responsibilities can lead to burnout if not managed well.


My suggestions for newcomers in this profession:

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